Micchi's mysterious ring
Manga[edit | edit source]
Goddess[edit | edit source]
The goddess of this ring was most likely intended to be Aphrodite, as the Chu preview included at the end shows Karin wearing that outfit. No new goddess was supplied for it after the retcon, though.
Fate[edit | edit source]
The ring was broken between the original series and Chu, along with all the others. For this reason it's possible the Aphrodite ring Karin gets in Chu is a remade version of the mystery ring, like the remade Zeus and Ares rings Rika created. However, there's not the slightest bit of actual things actually implying this.
Anime[edit | edit source]
Goddess[edit | edit source]
The presence of what appear to be Earth globe things on Karin's outfit make it very likely it was intended to be Gaia.
I also suggest Hera just to round off the Trojan War trio with Athena and Aphrodite, but there's no reason to support that, nor to connect the Trojan War story to KK in any way.
Fate[edit | edit source]
We're never shown what happened to the ring- while the Zeus and Apollo rings were clearly shown breaking, the "Gaia" ring, as far as we know, is still intact. The same goes for Kazusa's ring.
It's also unknown what happened to the ring after Karin returned to the future in the last episode.
Connection to Zeus ring[edit | edit source]
It seems Kazuto created this ring deliberately to counter or seal Kirihiko's Zeus ring, thus providing a contingency plan for Kirihiko's contingency plans. His explanation to young Micchi about it "sealing evil" or whatever could be taken as him explaining this connection in the way a kid would understand, though that's never confirmed.
It's also implied that Kazuto sealed himself in the ring the way Kirihiko sealed himself into the Zeus ring- Kazuto's voice can be heard echoing behind Kazune's when he's receiving power from the ring, similar to what'd been happening with Kirio and Kirihiko. There are other possible explanations for that, but this might be the simplest.
Other[edit | edit source]
I freaking swear that I used to have some very nice animation notes/sketches/whatever you call them saved somewhere from an auction site, which sadly I seem to have either lost or accidentally deleted. If any of you reading this happen to have copies of the images, or the cells/whatever themselves, or whatever, please contact me. Pretty please.
... Anyway. Among the design sketches was Karin's "Gaia" outfit, including an image of it from behind (never shown in the show). This showed that her hairties for this outfit were the olives with wings otherwise only seen in the future, implying the ring had some connection to the future. Hmm...
- The proto-Aphrodite outfit from the manga had the wings as well. It's likely that the wing hairties Karin wears throughout Chu are based on this. If the "Gaia" outfit were based on the proto-Aphrodite outfit, it would make sense for the wings to be there for a design standpoint at least, but there would have to be a reason for them to appear on a completely different outfit.