Episode 24

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This is a confusing one, even for this series. (Honestly, some of it kinda feels like filler or padding...)

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Micchi senses the Zeus ring destroying the Nyx ring. His ring is also going crazy, displaying a ring of mathematical equations (it's much more legible than the ones before it, too).
  • Kirio shoots a black feather attack and Kazusa counters with white feathers.
  • Micch's ring leads him to the Karasuma residence, and the Zeus ring reacts to its presence.
  • The Zeus ring starts setting up the "Zeus labyrinth" (name pending).
    • Kirio's lines imply that this is an automatic reaction of his ring to Micchi's, one which he didn't start/has no control over, but he's currently pretending to actually be Kirio and may be lying.
    • Red lightning wave things come out of the ring. A purple miasma preceeded by static starts crawling over the walls; the lights abruptly shut off. Himeka2 cries in her room (the Ares and Nyx rings are shown shattering, implying she could feel what happened to them); the miasma consumes a chunk of her room. The static and bits of miasma can be seen on the outside of the house. The red lightning reaches Karin and Kazune, and they turn staticy and vanish.
  • Micchi tries to get in, but the door keeps leading him outside again...
  • Karin is taken to a place full of doors floating on that purple miasma. She opens one and finds herself in a version of the city where people and cars- the signs of life, anything that can move- are frozen and seem to be rusted over. Another door in there leads to Big Ben at night (a shot rather reminiscent of the window scene in 22).
  • Micchi tries throwing a rock at the Karasuma house, because property damage is the answer, but it fades into the house and then comes right back at him. The Karasuma crow shows up, and he tries talking to it, because that's the other way to deal with your problems, talk to other people's pets... the crow, seemingly convinced by Micchi's ring shining, flies over and lands on his shoulder.
  • The crow blows feathers at the door, causing it to split into two; Micchi opens one, which leads into a miasma hallway full of neatly lined-up doors.
  • Kirio's lines imply he thought Micchi got in by himself with the ring (even though the crow did it), but his later "let's-lead-together" bit makes it clear he was leading Micchi on.
  • The doors combine into one, and the single door comes flying towards Micchi. The mystery ring glows.
  • Micchi steps through into the main room of the Karasuma house, with the staircase... and suddenly everything is overtaken by ivy. He walks through the house, eventually coming upon two doors; the ring glows, and one vanishes and the other opens. Through that door is the main room yet again, but with Kirio there. The crow flies from Kirio's shoulder to Micchi's.
  • Back in the rusted city, Karin says she "had been to an unknown place like this before. Probably... in a dream." (ep 8, of course) Kirio tries to hard to act in Kirio-character while pretending to be Kazune, and continues to act like Kirio throughout that scene...
  • Kazune fights Kirio in space. They stand on the moon, Kazune has the earth behind him while Kirio has Jupiter. ... The meaning of this is fairly obvious, though keep in mind we haven't seen the almost-certainly-Gaia-ring's transformation yet, and have no reason to associate it with the earth yet.
  • Micchi is about to give up and hand the ring to Kirio... when Kazuto's voice is heard, possibly from the ring, possibly in Micchi's head. The ring glows blue. Flashback time!
    • ... While near death, Micchi sees Kazune and Jin in Noble God mode in the light above him. I don't know why this would happen or what this means.
  • Hey, its our first look at Kazuto's face outside of a photograph! He says, of the mystery ring, "It has Zeus's power to seal any amount of evil." That translation sounds off, but he definitely mentioned Zeus.
  • Micchi refers to that flashback as "the memories that were sealed"... I don't see any reason why they'd literally be sealed like with, say, Suzuka's, so he might be speaking metaphorically- they were from a long time ago and assocated with a traumatic event, after all.
  • We get our first clear shot of Kirihiko's face, too.
  • The ring lights up blue, envelops Micchi in blue light, and creates a blue ball of light. Something like a watery sound is heard as Micchi takes the ball of light in his hands and fires it at Kirio, overpowering him and knocking him right back. The Zeus ring cracks. Once Kirio lands on the ground, the ring cracks further.
  • The crows and dogs are restless...
  • The house returns to normal, and Karin and Kazune appear in the main room again; Micchi quickly finds them.
  • ... Two crows circle above Kirio and drop a feather each, The feathers glow red-violet and violet and turn into the Ares and Nyx rings, unscathed... the rings then shatter again and turn into a red-black miasma, which attaches itself to the Zeus ring.
  • Kirio fires a black ball at Micchi, causing him to... split into three?? The three come back together, leaving Micchi static-y and translucent; he passes right through Karin and Kazune. Behind them, he says something unheard before vanishing.
  • Kirio holds up the Zeus ring, revealing the additions to it that've just been added. He no-sells Karin's attack even harder than before.
  • Kirio- no, Kirihiko- starts creating the labyrinth again, this time with red-black lightning. Karin and Kazune are consumed again...

Analysis and Speculah[edit | edit source]

This episode provides great evidence for the Zeus ring having the power to outright warp reality, with all the crazy shit going on. (That's one of my other crazy theories, that the time travel in this show is actually just directed reality warping... I can't really say anything about it).

The blue light from the mystery ring could be either in relation to Kazuto or Micchi.

  • Kazuto: Well, Kazune and Kazusa have blue as their kamika color, so it could run in the (nominal) family. There's also that blue-stoned ring he gave Suzuka at their wedding...
  • Micchi: Of course, his color is usually yellow, which is the proper color of the ring (though a red herring since it's Karin's ring), but his attacks (and Hades') are blue for whatever reason. Somehow the ring channeled his future ring powers like they were inherent to him...? The blue could also have been because he was using water powers (Neptune).

Assuming the ring is Gaia (which is pretty certain at this point, really), it's ability to channel the unrelated Noble God rings might have something to do with each NG representing a portion of earth- Hades is the land, Neptune the ocean and Uranus the atmosphere. But that's kind of stretching it.

It's also possible the Gaia ring can channel or enhance the god powers of other people as an equivalent to the Zeus ring absorbing their powers (as seen with it using the destroyed Nyx and Ares rings as powerups). This would tie into Karin using it in the last battle to power up Kazune.