Episode 14

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The first and second-to-last pure filler episode of this series. Seems like a good time to change the ending credits! Also, Kirika has a surprisingly deep scream...

Analysis[edit | edit source]

  • Like back in the hot springs episode, Q apparently spends his vacations fishing, this time alongside Nyake.
  • Jin makes yet another cameo. Karin feels like we've seen this guy before, but she's probably just refering to his appearance at the school festival. The scene pulls some material from Chu ch 7, with Jin showing off his money-saving curry skills and complaining about Kazune's expensive ingredients... even though the ingredients were all provided free for the contest. A matter of principle, perhaps?
    • So how would the curry competition in Chu be handled, given this?

Further notes[edit | edit source]

This episode was based on a bonus chapter included in volume 6?. Unlike episode 08 and episode 11, there's no reason for it not to be canon, though there's no particular place in the story it can be inserted.

Originally, this chapter was released after the reveal that Kirika was a girl, so her dressing up as a female japanese ghost wouldn't be very unusual... but here we still have a couple episodes to go for that reveal.

Despite being much more filler-y than those two episodes, this and ep 15 still recieve a handful of continuity nods/gags later on, so you could still say they're not pure filler.