Main Page

Page last edited 3,736 days ago
From Kamichama Karin Project
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And welcome to the Kamichama Karin Project wiki. This wiki aims to analyze Satelite's very confusing anime adaptation of the Kamichama Karin manga in an attempt to work out loose ends, dangling plot threads and just plain confusing stuff, and try to figure out what they were getting at (assuming they were getting at anything at all). This will all tie into a theoretical plan for a Kamichama Karin Chu anime, which I call the Kamichama Karin Chu Project. (It has a Darth Wiki page!) There will be some analysis on the manga as well, where relevant or interesting.

This is not a general info wiki, though anyone who stumbles across this place and feels they have something to add, feel free to edit it in!

This wiki is currently just a pile of junk.

General Index[edit | edit source]

Significant locations: